
Free word search

Enter your search terms in the search box. In the drop-down menu at the end of the search box, you can choose to search by title, author or subject.

Search terms separated by spaces use the AND search logic and will return results containing all of your search terms.

For example:

mannerheim carl

produces the same search results as

mannerheim AND carl

After starting your search, you can for example narrow your search results by permissible uses, type of material or date of manufacture.


The search results return material related to children


This is a targeted search in which the quotes limit the search results to those that contain the word ”children.”

"University of Helsinki"

It’s always a good idea to put phrases like these in quotes so that Finna doesn’t interpret your search as separate words

children summer

This search is the same as entering children AND summer; the search will include all results related to children and summer

countryside OR farm

The search results will include results related to the countryside or to farms

"kivi aleksis"

The author’s name should be in quotes, and ideally the last name should be entered first


The asterisk truncates words so that the search may return results with a number of different endings, e.g. knowledge and know-how

If, for example, you enter the name of a book in the search box, Finna predicts your search terms by offering results that may allow you to find your book directly.

You can find more instructions on forming search phrases in the Search syntax section.

Narrowing your search

The search results page displays the best results at the top based on the relevance of the match. You can change the order of the results by, for example, changing the date of manufacture to view from oldest to newest. Additionally you can view the search results as a summary list or in gallery format.

The Narrow Search menu allows you to narrow down your search results by using one or several filters at once. The filter options are closed by default, but can be opened from the drop-down menu arrow.

Available online: filter the search results to materials available as e-books or e-audiobooks.

Organisation: filter the search results according to which Louna library's collections the material belongs to.

Department: in which department the material is, for example adults, children, music or storage.

Content type: includes different options depending on the type of material available, such as books, magazines, CDs, DVDs, etc.

Major genre: in which main genre the material belongs to: fiction, non-fiction or music.

New in Finna: when the material was published, for example in the last week, month or three months.

Language: narrow the search results by their language.

Publication year: it is possible to determine in which period the published material will be displayed, for example, from 2016 to 2019.

Topic: topics to make it easier to narrow your search.

Year: shows only materials published in a given year.

Once you’ve selected your filters…

Finna saves your selected filters and displays them below the search box. You can remove a single filter by simply clicking on the X by the filter in question. You can remove all filters by clicking and undoing the check mark by Save filters and starting a new search.